Stand Alone Solar Power Systems
Stand alone solar panel systems are completely independent of the grid. No more power cuts or electricity bills. The cost of a system depends on the energy needs of the house hold.
Click Here to download the solar power energy calculator Excel spreadsheet that you can work out your energy needs.Feel free to change or delete the columns to suite your own usage.
The final number in the table gives you your daily energy usage in Kilo Watt Hours (KWH). An energy usage of 2100WH would need 1000W worth of panels. This is worst case in mid winter and is based on conservative (safe!!) design equations.
Systems typically consist of:
1/ An energy source- ie solar panels and/or wind turbine.
2/ Batteries to store energy for use when the sun is not shining nor the wind blowing.
3/ A Regulator to ensure the batteries get charged correctly from the panels or turbine.
4/ An Inverter that converts the low battery voltage to 240V AC. This allows you to use normal house hold appliances.